Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

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Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is Rotary's leadership training program for young people. RYLA participants can be ages 14-30, but most clubs and districts choose to focus on a narrower age range, such as 14-18 or 19-30.
RYLA emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal growth, and aims to
Demonstrate Rotary's respect and concern for youth
Provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders
Encourage leadership of youth by youth
Recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities
Send us your story
Rotary International is looking for high-quality, color action photos of RYLA events around the world to feature on its Web site and in RI publications.
If you’d like to share your RYLA experience, send your photos and a short description (about 500 words), along with your name, district, and the name of your RYLA event, to ryla@rotary.org or to:
Youth Programs Section
Rotary International
1560 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201 USA
When sending photos, please be sure to include the photographer’s name so appropriate credit can be given.

R otaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are either community or university based, and they’re sponsored by a local Rotary club. This makes them true "partners in service" and key members of the family of Rotary.
As one of Rotary’s most significant and fastest-growing service programs, with more than 7,000 clubs in about 163 countries and geographical areas, Rotaract has become a worldwide phenomenon.
How does it work?
All Rotaract efforts begin at the local, grassroots level, with members addressing their communities’ physical and social needs while promoting international understanding and peace through a framework of friendship and service.
Peace is not a spectator sport
Rotary International -- 22 December 2008

Peace has always mattered to Rotary. It's a part of our mission. Working for peace, though, can be challenging. It takes courage to go where there is unrest.
"Peace is not a spectator sport," says Past RI President Charles C. Keller. "We must become more proactive in our peace-building activities."
Included in this photo gallery are just a few of the Rotarians and family and friends of Rotary who are working for causes where peace is a critical part of the solution.

Past RI President William B. Boyd and Gillian Sorenson, a senior adviser at the United Nations, discussed the turmoil of war and the future role of Rotary's peace program at the inaugural Rotary World Peace Symposium in 2007. Sorenson called upon Rotary World Peace Fellows to be "the first guard of a mighty peaceful army." The next peace symposium will be held at the 2009 RI Convention. Photo by Rotary Images/Alyce Henson.